As most of you know we are expecting in April and things have been well. We got to hear the heartbeat at the last appointment. I had been feeling quiet well until last week, now it seems my favorites are Sprite and Mentos. I can't say that feeling sick is much fun and I would gladly take being tired over this any day. The big questions seem to be when are we having an Ultrasound (20 weeks, so in about 2 months). And the million dollar question is what are you having? I know we are disappointing some of you but we are not going to find out until the baby is born. We feel that this is one good surprise that is worth waiting for.
Yes, that is the front of our house. We are going to have every kid in town trick or treating at our house now. Which means I better buy some candy. We won't say whose idea this was cause that is still up for debate. With the thought of Halloween, we can tell the fall is here. It is quiet breezy and cold out. However, I am not disappointed because that means my hayfever is over for the year!
Have a Great Week!
yeah! a real post! keep them coming! can't wait to follow along your journey to becoming a mom! those college days just seem farther and farther away!