Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Little of This and That

It's hard to believe that Kane's first birthday is only a month away and boy has be changed in the last year.  He has grown into such a character.  We are onstantly amazed by his actions.  He is now crawling around like crazy and jabbering up a storm.  The words he knows are "Travis", "light", "hot", "balloon" and "moo".  He still shows us that he is "so big" and will clap.  His new favorite is to point and say "that".  He is such a blessing and his giggle can brighten your day.  Tim has finished up his early winter run of farm shows, spent some time out on the snowmobile, and his team placed 2nd in their division at the State Dart Tournament. 

Happy Boy!

I can clap!

Just being my silly self.

I love my baths!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Silly Faces


This ones for Daddy & Uncle Travis.

Christmas ... A Little Late

The holidays are over and Tim's in Denver for the National Western Stock Show.  Kane and I are having some quality bonding time.  I am sure Tim will be amazed by all the new things that he is doing, how fast he moves, and the new teeth that are working there way in.

Christmas was good.  We celebrated early with Tim's family as we made the decision that we were going to spend a few days at my parents' in Nebraska for Christmas.  Kane got spoiled with plenty of new toys, clothes, and other gifts from the ones that love him.  Of course when you plan to travel somewhere this time of year there is always the chance of snow as was the case again this year.  However, the snow that fell in South Dakota was no where to be seen in southern Nebraska.  Quiet a change from last year when we were all snowed in.  All in the holidays were wonderful.

Kane & Santa


Cousins - Vanessa, Geoff, Izabella, & Kane

Christmas Eve

Santa left presents.

Sleeping Baby Christmas Morning.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Tim

Happy Birthday to a wonderful husband and Daddy!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Its Been a Long Time Coming

Wow! It's hard to believe how much can happen in a little over  6 months.  I haven't been very good about updating my blog.  Things have been busy and it's great.  Kane is growing like crazy, he is about three times as big as he was in the last photos and just as entertaining as can be.  I have a new job and Tim continues to keep busy.  As I am reviewing my photos I hope to update you with a lot of the important events that have happened in the last few months.  It is hard to believe that the holidays are upon us already.  We hope everyone is doing well and we look forward to catching up.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Kane Francis Grace

Kane Francis Grace had arrived.  He was born on March 30, 2010 at 3:18 am.  He weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long.

After being on bed rest for a week with high blood pressure we went to the hospital to be induced at 4 pm on Monday.  Little did we know labor would go so fast.  I was informed by the nurses that it isn't suppose to be that fast with your first one, but I am not complaining.  They say I was in active for around 4 hours and 45 minutes.  Kane was ready to make his way into the world and all went well.

The Nursery

Here are a few pictures of the nursery.  I am sure it will get a few more decorations soon.