What do you think you are having? Have you thought about names? When is your due date? These seem to be the popular questions lately. And the answers well we are having a baby :) and I really have no strong feelings towards if it is a boy or girl. Names, we have thought about them but there isn't anything set in stone. And my due date is April 5th.
Now we want to know you think, so we created a baby poll to see what everyone else is thinking. You can guess the birth date, time of birth, gender, weight, length, and even the baby's name.
All you have to do is click here or go to www.babyguessinggame.com (Game ID: TCGraceBaby09) and enter your guesses.
We look forward to seeing your predictions and who is the closest! We will be sure to post the winner after the baby gets here. I will try my best to get it done in a timely manner.
Carson's 4 month Check-Up
10 years ago